Uninvited Advances or Undesirable Conversations
May 1, 2018
Nudism Erection Advice
Nudism Erection Advice – Getting an erection in public view is the greatest fear men, and particularly those younger men, have. The truth is it will probably never happen. So your fears of this happening are close to zero.
Why? Because mortification and fear are not compatible with the penile erect state. On a rare occasion, you may feel an engorgement or swelling. That is not an erection, is it..!! It is simply a sign of what might happen.
The protocol for a threatening engorgement or penile erection is simple. If you are in open view take the same towel you are sitting and fold it over your arm. Hold it in front of you. That pose is like a waiter in a restaurant. That is an acceptable behaviour.
If you are lying on your towel simply turn over or lie on your side and drag another item near to cover the issue. If the erectile member persists just walk away to a less populated area, take a dip cold water or take a break in the restroom until the matter subsides.
The bottom line? When you are thinking sexually then your body will respond to a sexual response. If you are enjoying conversation with friends the focus is elsewhere. Whenever you choose to first remove your clothing in one of our safe locations you will find the feeling so natural that, within a few minutes, you will disregard being naked.