What if I am Single
May 1, 2018
May Long Weekend Get Together
May 10, 2018Female Perspective on Nudism
Female Perspective on Nudism – When I was in my 20s, I remember bushwalking with a small group of friends. The bushland was beautiful and so was the weather but it was sweaty work and when we arrived at a secluded beach the water was incredibly inviting. None of us had packed swimmers but we were friends and felt we were in a safe and secure environment so off came the clothes and in we jumped.
Many years later, I fell in love with a man who enjoyed the sweet sensation of air on his skin. All of his skin! Living life undressed was not the way I had been brought up but this was the man that I loved and his being nude around our home was his choice and fine by me.
Like many women, I subconsciously believed that my body had to be either perfect or hidden – and it certainly wasn’t perfect. When my husband invited me to attend an Adam and Eve couples event with him, I was unsure and nervous but willing to try it at least once.
What I discovered was a group of people who are just like everyone else – they like good food, wine, games, socializing, reading books, enjoying nature and the sun. The only difference is that they prefer to do it in the nude.
The Adam and Eve Social Club is very conscious of people’s privacy and all events are managed in a way that respects each and every one of us and ensures we all feel safe.
I found the experience reinforcing, encouraging and liberating. There are more imperfect bodies out there than perfect ones. Taking my clothes off and sharing social activities with other like-minded people, made me realise that it is definitely not “clothes that make the man” but what is within.