The Town and Country naturists Inc. {TCn}, previously known as the Adam & Eve Social Club Inc {A&E} was formed many years ago back in 1983. As the name implies we are a “social club”. The sole purpose of our existence is to provide our members with a varied program of social activities which they can share and enjoy together. As we are also a naturist group the majority of our activities may include social nudity. Our “minimal dress or less” policy gives some latitude to those new or venturing cautiously into the lifestyle.
With no grounds or equipment to maintain, there are no onerous duties for members to attend to. You can start this journey by connecting via the Contact form. A small Management Committee is elected each year to take care of the Clubs’ affairs and to prepare the calendar of activities. And yes – we welcome your enquiry.
PRIVACY NOTE: We put a bandaid over the lens of mobile and recording devices as members sign in to any event or function. This is to protect the identity of our members and guests. You are free to make calls, social media and emails. BUT if any person removes their bandaid their device is confiscated and they are removed from the premises. They can pick up their device from the nearest or local police station the following day.
Your privacy as a member or guest is paramount. It’s part of our “Safer Places” policy.
Formed in...
The TCn program is now wide ranging. The ability of TCn to form sub-groups puts legs on the concept of ‘Find your tribe – Australia wide.’ For example:-
In the REGIONS a sub-group can be set up to create ‘safer places’ activities for those withing a 30km or even a 50 minute driving radius of the town. This can work for any region. Bendigo {VIC}, Blue Mountains {NSW}, Binningup {WA} or Boggabilla {QLD}. Now you get the idea. Ask us about what can happen in YOUR REGION if this if it applies to you. We can even have two or more sub-groups in one region simply because some folk don’t get along with some others due to a historical difference. Multiple sub-groups may be your solution.
Within larger cities we can have SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS {SIG’s} of people who centre around a specific interest. Like bush walking, playing Euchre, food and wine etc.
Our ‘minimal dress or less’ policy allows those new to the lifestyle to feel relaxed and, in their own time, decide if the lifestyle is suitable for them.
For those who are familiar and relaxed in the lifestyle – there will be exclusive events for you where you don’t have to mind you “p’s and q’s”.
Protecting your privacy is important. Our NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT {NDA} is available upon request.
Your PRIVACY is important for those, rightly cautious, members and guest who are trades people, professionals, Government employees, managers etc. who wish their apparel free lifestyle to be considered a private matter – yet allow collegiality. “Birds of a feather can now flock together”.
Indeed the list is only limited by the membership’s imagination. On other occasions, our activities involve social nudity, when we visit nearby clothing optional beaches or resorts, or one of the local nudist clubs. Often our activities could be classed as both social and nudist. At parties, barbecues and so on if the weather is warm and the location private, members usually prefer to be nude rather than dressed. The choice is theirs. If you are shy then please be as relaxed about them as they are about you.
In Winter we dress appropriately. After all – we may be referred to as ‘nudists’ but never as ‘stupidists’. Yes – we are primarily a social club of people who are relaxed and accepting of others.
HISTORY & NOW – TODAY:- The Town and Country naturists Inc has, historically, been families and couples back in the 1980’s. Grand-parents with mum and dad plus the kids. That being said – there is now much more acceptance of lifestyles within lifestyles in our community.
So who can join in our activities? Probably you. We will have a sub-group you can join as a ‘Verified Member’. But first let us define the word ‘unattached‘. Many folk find themselves ‘unattached’ due to circumstance or choice. The sad stigma of ‘single’ is avoided at TCn. Our members and guests range as follows:- Unattached females, unattached males, partnered people, those disfigured by surgery, fat or bariatric, wrinkly old folk, outgoing or shy – well the list goes on and on. Acceptance is our, and your, key to the door.
By maintaining TCn behaviour standards and you abiding by our NDA – then there should be little issue. We ask that you accept there will be functions for niche groups. Some events will be for the 18 – 40 age group, others for unattached folk, some for couples only and some events will be purely social and fully clothed. At least once a month we would have the ‘mixed bag of lollies‘ function where any member, verified guest or guest can come. These events are for those who are totally relaxed with the lifestyle.
Any sub-branch reserves the right to reject any application which it feels would be detrimental to the harmony of the Group.
So! Make an enquiry..! Whatever else may be said about the Town and Country naturists Inc, one thing is for certain: we intend to have a lot of fun in ‘safer places’! And isn’t that what life is all about?
So if you can picture getting a little more out of life contact our secretary for more information. One of the sub-branch operatives will then contact you to start the process so you can meet us and learn more about TCn. Soon you may ‘safely’ have more friends than you had before.
Current Members
Alexandria Beach Carnival

Our annual family carnival at Alexandria Bay, Noosa Heads always attracted a big crowd.
Future Carnivals – see below
In the early part of each year since 1986 members of the Adam & Eve
Social Club Inc have played a major role in planning and staging the Alexandria Beach Carnival, a family fun day on Queensland’s most popular unofficial nude beach at Noosa Heads. The idea began on Swanbourne Beach in Western Australia in 1983, the South Australian naturists took up the cause, introducing the Maslin Beach Olympics in 1984.
From the outset, the Alexandria Beach Carnival was a huge success. Each year it attracted some 400 to 600 naturists to the beach to participate in a wide range of ‘sporting’ events. Nothing too serious, mind you, the emphasis was always strictly on having fun. And for the safety of all concerned, an official lifesaver team from the nearby surf club was engaged to patrol the beach on the day. The Carnival has proved to be an excellent promotion for our naturist recreational lifestyle, and many ‘new recruits’ have resulted from this annual open house function.
However, the Carnival had outgrown our Club’s oversight and responsibility for the event was transferred to a more local group. It was our hope they would be contributing their efforts to make the Carnival bigger and better in the years to come.